你的好吃懒做不求上进。 He then takes you ho, and frothat point, your fate takes a turn for the better. You bein to enjoy a life of respect, carefree happiness, and adoration. 然后把你娶回去,从此你改变了命运,过上了幸福快乐衣来伸手饭来张口不用干活受人尊敬,有人呵护的快乐生活。 So, another fairy tale is written and passed down throuh the enerations. Everyone adres you and strives to elate your story. 于是又一个童话故事诞生了,然后世代相传,人人都向你学习,人人都想成为下一个你。 However, perspective of the world is far froa fairy tale. If you seek to earn others\'''' wealth, you st provide sothin of value in return. 可是我的世界不是童话,你想要赚别人的钱,就要提供对别人有用的东西。 To ain acceptance within the circles of affluence, you st prove your utility, denstrate your worth to those within the circle, and offer assistance to the 如果你想融入有钱人的圈子,你就要让自己在那个圈子里面有用,对那些圈子里面的人有用,你能帮助到那些人。 If you fail to showcase your worth, you\''''ll strule to assilate into that sphere of influence. 如果你不能体现自身的价值,你是融入不了那个圈层的。 There are indeed instances of leverain others\'''' strenths. For exale, we all have different ways of proressin in life - so of us walk barefoot, so walk in shoes, so naviate waterways, so on land, and so on untain paths. Althouh our paths vary, our proress relies solely on our individual capabilities. So people can afford boat tickets and hence opt for a water journey, while those who can\''''t pay swiacross on their own strenth. 是有借势的例子,就像我们有的人打赤脚走路,有的人能穿鞋走路,有的人走水路,有的人走,陆地上的路,有的人走山路,虽然每个人脚下的道路不一样,但是都是靠自己的能力向前走的。就比如有的人坐船,因为他们有钱付船票,没钱的,有的人从水里面自己游过去。不出钱的就出力气呀。