br> I co here a lot. I co here to take a walk, et so fresh air, use so cold wind to clear nd, and think quietly when I''''in a bad od. 我常来这里,心情不好的时候我就来这里散散步,透透气,以凉风来精神,一个人安静地想事情。 Like today, I will lauh, run, ju, and sin softly when I ahappy. 心情好的时候我会像今天一样又笑又跑又跳,还会轻声唱着歌。 I like sinin and dancin, and I dance with heart. I think a ood dancer can express one’s etions by dancin. Music is even re so. 我是真心地喜欢歌舞的,并且舞随心声,我认为真正好的舞蹈就是能跳出一个舞者的心声和喜怒哀乐,音乐更是如此。 Dance and sic are exquisite skills to cultivate the nd and indule in ourselves. They can let people find their nature, vent their aner and express other feelins. 舞蹈和音乐其实是一个非常高雅的技能,可以让人陶冶情操,可以让人沉醉其中,可以让人找到自己的本性,也可以发泄自己的愤怒等心情。 This place not only ives peace and freedobut also courae, deternation, and wisdo 这个地方不仅给了我安静,给了我自由,更给了我勇气和决心和智慧的源泉。