of her who was only a few steps away froher. 因为她的所有注定力都集中在了面前这个离自己仅有几步之遥的危险的男人。 I’ve co so far. I’ve blazed way forward throuh all the difficulties. 我付出了这么多努力,一路披荆斩棘好不容易走到了现在。 Have I co to a dead end? 难道此次真的已成死局吗? She tried to calherself down as ch as possible while thinkin. Panic couldn''''t solve the proble She could ain a slichance of survival by caln down and thinkin of a way. 她边思考边让自己尽可能地冷静下来,慌张解决不了问题,唯有冷静地想方设法才可能有一线生机。 "My beauty, I''''here to see you since you''''re not feelin well!" His answer was concise and clear but full of doneerinness and possessiveness, leavin no roofor resistance. “大美人,你身体不舒服我来看看你呀!”他回答得简洁明了,却带着十足的霸气和占有欲,半点不容他人抗拒。 "Don''''t, don''''t co over..." She continued to retreat in fear, but she had only taken a few steps back when her back was pressed aainst the cold wall. She had nowhere to flee to. “你.....你.....你别过来!”她有些害怕地继续后退,可是才退了几步,后背就贴上了冰冷的墙壁,她已经退无可退。