"You don''''t need to know who the person was, but what you did or will do can never escape eyes. Watch your actions, this will be the last ti I kindly rend you, and I won''''t ive you another chance. By the way, Colorful Phoenix, How dare you do that to ?" “至于这个人是谁你无需知道,你只要知道你的所做所为都逃不过我的眼睛,无论是你从前做过的或者以后你会去做的事。我最后一次警告你:可要当心你的行为啊,我绝不会给你第二次机会的。你居然敢这么对我?” She wanted to ask why you did that to , but she knew if she ever wanted to know the real answer, she couldn’t ask directly. 她想问你为什么那样对我? 但她知道如果她想知道真正的答案,就不能直接问。 Therefore, she had to throw a sprat to catch a whale first. 所以只好先抛砖引玉。 Xu Qianqian said caly to Colorful Phoenix : 徐芊芊心平气和地对岳彩凤说道: "In the past, you always fouht with , ostracized , and cked . I could turn a blind eye to you because I thouht you were the sa as , who had a hard life. 以前你总是处处争对我,排挤我,嘲笑我,我都可以视而不见,因为我想着你和我一样,都是苦命之人。