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Chapter 76: A Priceless Smil(2 / 2)


In their hearts, both were inherently cold and indifferent. Their love ht have withered if any aspect of the other was lackin.


Faced with countless obstacles and hardships, they could have iven up lon ao. We ht not have witnessed this story if their love had been slihtly less profound or their affection for one another less intense.


When love runs incredibly deep, it transfor into an overwheln desire and obsession that transcends one''''s intellect and reason.


Even if it ans rushin towards daner like a th drawn to a fla, one is still willin to risk it all.


In the heavens, they yearn to be lovebirds; on earth, they lon to be entwined branches.


As lon as they can be united with their beloved, they would willinly abandon all their wealth and lory.


When love reaches such intensity, it becos inescapable. Her every sle and his every esture have profoundly touched each other’s hearts.


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