My parents were patriarchal and left to start own business at a youn ae, kin a livin by? sinin and slin? to support the faly. At the sa ti, they ave brother all of their love and resources. 我的父母重男轻女,把所有的爱和资源都给了我哥哥,而让我从小就不得不做生意,卖唱卖笑地赚钱养家糊口。 Later I left hotown on own to see the world, and I no loner looked back with hope on that spot as the knot in heart beca deeper and deeper. 后来.....我心中的结越来越深,再后来我就独自外出去闯荡江湖,对那个家不再回顾,也不再奢望。 Althouh they ave birth to and raised , I have paid theback by supportin our faly all these years, so I anot ashad to face any of thesince I ave back re than I’ve ever been iven. 他们虽然生我养我,但是这些年我养家糊口也足够回报他们了,只多不少,所以这一生面对他们我已无愧于心。 Why can''''t I be self? Why can''''t I love self? Is it because of backround? No, this is not life, nor will it ever be life, and the day I cut ties with faly is the day of rebirth, a new start. 为何不能做自己?为何不敢爱自己?难道就因为自己的出身吗?不,这不是我的人生,也不可能成为我的人生,与他们断绝往来的那一天就是我的新生,一个与从前告别的新生。 When I arrived in the capital, at the foot of the eeror, there were ny prosperous falies, under the eeror''''s feet, by the Ierial fortress. There were a lot of rich and noble people. 我来到了京城,天子脚下皇城根上,多的是王孙公子富贵人家。 I''''not a aler, but there''''s no better way for people like , so I decided to bet life on this. I aalin with a bier bet which is bettin on the rest of life. 我不是赌徒,但是我这样的人没有其他更好的路可以,所以我决定将这辈子赌上一赌,要赌就赌个大的,赌我自己的命。 So people can rule the state and keep the people safe. I st be extrely wealthy. The capital is the st suitable place for . It is the st danerous place and also the area with the st opportunities. I aa won with both ability and aition; the capital is a stae with opportunities and challenes. 有人文能治国,武能安邦,而我要富可敌国。京城是最适合我的地方,这是最危险的地方,同时也是机遇最多之地,我是一个能力与野心并存的女人,而京城就是一个机遇和挑战并存的舞台。 No tter how difficult or uncertain the future, I would never ive up on self or accept defeat.不管生