活多么艰难,前途多么渺茫,我徐芊芊永远都不会认输,也永远都不会放弃自己。 I''''ll also attet to live the best possible because God has iven a wanderin destiny. 既然上天给了我一个江湖漂泊的命运,那么我也要努力活出一个最好的自己。 No tter what happens, I will live each day to the fullest and how I want to. 这辈子不管我的命是苦,是贱,是好,是坏,我都会过好每一天,努力让每一天都不虚度光阴,努力按自己的心意活着。 At 16, I stopped yearnin for a better future and bean livin in the present. 16岁这年,我不再奢望美好前程,而是好好过好今天的日子。 Havin been in the arena for ny years, I stly pro-claiself as a businesswon. And I y never be able to ive up this identity because of the experience of kin a livin by sinin and slin to please people. 在江湖混了多年,我大多数时间都以生意人的身份自居,但是我从前卖过唱,卖过笑,这层身份我这辈子应该也放弃不了了。 I’ve never been one to colain and let self live in reret. 我从来都不是一个怨天尤人,会让自己活在后悔当中的人。 For exale, parents, too utilitarian and too selfish, have no love for . Then I choose to leave theand never see theever aain. 比如说,我父母对我没有爱,功利心太重,利己心太重,那么我就离开他们,永不相见。