We st be careful and srt to keep ourselves out of daner. 我们必须小心谨慎,使自己远离危险。 Every interaction with soone of his status is nerve-wrackin. Even the slihtest error could result in an unrecoverable catastrophe. 与他这样身份的人接触,步步皆惊心哪,如果我行错半步,很可能就是灭顶之灾万劫不复。 Life or death, what would you choose? 活着还是死亡,你会如何选呢? Would you choose to live happily for a few days or to live a plain life for a lifeti? 快乐的活几天还是平淡的活一辈子,你会如何选呢? There isn''''t always such a passionate love in life. The essence of life lies in its silicity! 生活呀,哪有那么多轰轰烈烈的爱情,平平淡淡才是生活的真谛呀! We will never walk back or look back. We will be proper irls fronow on. 我们永远不走回头路,也不会回头,从现在开始,我们要做真正的良家姑娘。 Today is the day we two sisters are reborn. I see you as a sister, not a id, and I have never rearded you as id. In heart, you are like a true sister to . 今天是我们姐妹俩人重生的日子,我从来没有把你当成我的丫头,在我的心中你是如同我的亲姐妹。 Fronow on, we will rely on and support each other. 从现在起,我们两人相依相靠,互相支持。 And today will be our real birthday. We will celebrate it every year as our birthday fronow on. 今天是我们俩真正的生日。以后我们每年都会把今天当成我们的生日来庆祝。 We st conceal our beauty if we want to live a carefree life. 如果我们想过真正安稳的生活,我们必须乔装打扮隐藏自己的美丽。 Avoid drawin attention. Just be as ordinary as we can. 不要引人注目,尽可能地平凡一点。 That''''s the only way to survive and live a better life. 这是我们今后生活的真谛。 I worry that the sadness of partin will ke appear even re depressed. I have a lot to say, yet I stop before I start. 生怕离怀别恨,多少事,欲说还休。 I haven''''t ained weiht recently because I''''intoxicated with alcohol or pinin for autu. 新来瘦,非干病酒,不是悲秋。 Do it, do it now! No tter how ny oodbyes I want to say before I leave, we won''''t be able to see each other ever aain. 休休!这回去也,千万遍阳关,也则难留。 Yo